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Preventative Dental Services


Depending on the health of your gum tissue, it is recommended that you have your teeth cleaned every 6 months. Despite everyone's best efforts, there can still be calculus build up that needs dentist removal. We offer this treatment with our clinicians as part of your examination and regular check ups.

Periodontal Debridements

Periodontal debridements involve cleaning the plaque and calculus that has built up below the gums. It is usually competed under local anaesthetic and depending on severity, will be completed over 2 - 4 visits. At the time of treatment, the clinician will discuss with you whether they recommend a 3,4 or 6 month recall program.

Fluoride Application

Fluoride is one of the key decay preventing solutions that can help prevent cavities and dental problems from occurring. Since we do not have fluoride locally occurring in the water, it is recommended that fluoride is applied to the teeth every 6 - 12 months. At Hughes Family Dental, we usually recommend having this applied at the time of your clean when the best absorption can occur.

Fissure Sealants

Fissure Sealants are non-invasive seals/fillings that are placed on the biting surface of molars and premolars. They seal up the deep pits and fissures preventing cavities from forming. It is ideal to place fissure sealants when teeth first erupt. 

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